Microsoft Office 2016: Manually Setting the KMS

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Manually Setting the KMS in Microsoft 2016:

1. Connect to the LSU VPN. (ONLY If you are OFF-campus)

2. Open the command prompt with Administrative privileges:                   

3. When the Command Prompt opens, type: "cd\Program  Files\Microsoft Office\Office16", and press the Enter key.

NOTE: Replace Program Files with Program Files (x86) if you are running the 32-bit version of Office 2016 on a 64-bit computer.  How do I know if I am 32 or 64-bit?

Administrator Command Prompt

4. Type: "cscript ospp.vbs /", and press the Enter key.

Administrator Command Prompt C: \Program

(NOTE: If you did not receive the above screen, this means that you are having problems licensing.  To resolve issues, e-mail the error code, details on the problem and your MyLSU ID to:

5. You can now attempt to activate Office by following the instructions in this GROK article: Microsoft Office 2016: Manually Activating Against the KMS.


Referenced from: Microsoft Docs

2/20/2024 4:54:03 PM