myLSU Portal: CATS Status
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General Information
The Comprehensive Academic Tracking System (CATS) is designed to help you reach academic success at LSU and make sure that you are progressing toward graduation each semester. Each major has a RECOMMENDED PATH that is the optimal path for graduation in four years. CATS checks your progress each semester by tracking you on the CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS needed and gives you feedback when you are not meeting those requirements. By assessing students' progress toward degree completion, CATS will identify those students who may be struggling. This affords the University the opportunity to provide additional counseling and advisement resources to assist students.
-- Checking your CATS Status.
To Access Your CATS Status through the myLSU Portal:
1. Log into myLSU. (
2. Select Student Services | CATS Status.

3. After clicking on CATS Status, a new window will open in your browser that will take you to your personal CATS Status and any holds that may be placed on your account.

3/25/2024 9:48:06 AM