Skype for Business: LSU Overview
There may be broken links in this article, the GROK staff has been notified and is working to resolve the issue.
This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

General Information
Skype for Business is instant messaging (IM), online meetings, calling, video conferencing, and sharing and collaboration client all rolled into one package.
Notice: Skype for Business will be fully replaced by Microsoft Teams and is retiring; the official end-of-life will be July 31, 2021. After this time, Skype for Business will no longer be available or functional. We highly encourage anyone still using Skype for Business to migrate to Microsoft Teams before the deadline.
To learn about Microsoft Teams and how to migrate, please see the following GROK article: Microsoft Teams: LSU Overview
To learn more information about Skype for Business, please see:
Available to: Faculty & Staff until July 31, 2021; non-functional after this date.
Pre-Install Notes
Before installing Skype for Business please check for the the following:
NOTE: These services depend on high quality bandwidth from end to end, as well as high quality endpoints. If either end does not have a good Internet connection or modern endpoint device, you may experience a poor quality conference.
Download & Install
Install Skype for Business on your PC
NOTE: Be sure to login with your LSUMail username and password (i.e. If you are off-campus, you may be required to follow additional steps to prove your identity. If you need assistance or more information about this step, please see Office365: Logging in with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Training & Support
Skype for Business: Help
Skype for Business: Training
Skype for Business: Discover Skype for Business
Referenced from: Microsoft
5/5/2021 8:59:31 AM