SPSS 23: Installation Instructions (Mac)

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SPSS 23: Installation Instructions (Mac)

These instructions are written for LSU Faculty & Staff who have purchased SPSS through ITS.  Upon creation of the Internal Transaction and submission of the SPSS Request, you will receive an Authorization Code. 

Mac Installation Instructions

1. Purchase SPSS Statistics through ITS.  View instructions on how to do this.

2. Wait until you receive the e-mail containing your Authorization Code.  You will NEED this Authorization Code during the installation process.

3. Download SPSS Statistics from TigerWare.

4. Double-click to open the SPSS Statistics Installer.

NOTE: It may have to Verify before and after this step. This could take a few minutes. 

SPSS Statistics Installer icon

5. Click Open to allow the computer to open the file from the internet. 

6. If necessary, type your password to allow changes. Press Okay.

7. Choose a language then click Ok.

SPSS language selection

8. Click Next.

SPSS installation introduction

9. Choose Authorized User License.  Click Next.

(NOTE: If this is being installed on a Personally-Owned Computer, you MUST PURCHASE through LSU.OnTheHub.com.)

License Type options

10. Read the Software License Agreement.  Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement."  Click Next.

SPSS license agreement

11. Fill in the user information. Click Next. 

Entering user name and organization

12. (OPTIONAL)  Select any Help Language files that you want to download. Click Next.

Adding additional languages

13. Choose Yes or No for Installing IBM SPSS - Statistics - Essentials for Python.

The installation wizard selects Yes by default. If you choose YesAccept the license agreement.

choosing to install Python Essentials or not

14. Click Next.   (Click Choose to change the location to save SPSS.)

choosing an install destination.

15. Review the Pre-Installation Summary and click the Install button to begin the installation. 

Information review before installing

16. To complete the Installation click Done.

Product Re-Authorization

1. Select License my product now.  Click Next .

Product Authorization window with Lice my Product now selected

2. Enter the Authorization Code received from ITS.  Click Next.

SPSS: Enter Authorization Code window

3. Click Finish to complete the installation process.


Referenced from: IBM.

12/5/2023 5:05:01 PM