results for "overview"
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General Information Keynote is an application for Mac that is very similar to Microsoft's PowerPoint, but still stays unique to the iWork suite. Keynote uses iLife to include a media browser to allow the ability to insert pictures, music, and videos from iPhoto, iTunes, and iMovie. In addition, Keynote has the ability to include animation in slideshow presentations....
Article Id: 7080

General Information Pismo File Mount Audit Package is a Windows application that allows users to mount the contents of ZIP, ISO, Compact ISO, Compact File Set and Private Folder files to the file system as virtual folders. Pre-Installation Notes System Requirements: Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise or Windows XP Professional 64-bit. Download...
Article Id: 16622

General Information SQL Server is Microsoft's premier database product. Pre-Installation Notes System Requirements: Windows 2003 Server, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows...
Article Id: 16836

Please note: Windows products are no longer available on OnTheHub. To access Windows software, please use the following link: Instructions: Microsoft Windows: Download Install File & Retrieve Product Key (Students) General Info OnTheHub is an online platform that hosts free or discounted keys and...
Article Id: 19767

General Information CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution that is derived entirely from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS exists to provide a free enterprise class, community-driven computing platform while maintaining very close compatibility with RHEL. Under a new governing board since 2014, it has joined with Red Hat but has...
Article Id: 18878

General Information Paint.NET is a free-to-use alternative to the standard Windows Paint, boasting many extra features and tools including layers, unlimited undo, and special effects. It has been highly acclaimed due to its simplicity, ease of use, and its many features- so much so that it has been compared to GIMP and even Photoshop. Although it does not have all the tools of other...
Article Id: 18881

General Information Airtable is a hybrid spreadsheet/database tool for computations, organization, and development platforms that fully integrates its computation into complete workflows. It is very versatile and can perform...
Article Id: 20561

Accessing SolidWorks through VLab This article will guide you through the steps of accessing SolidWorks through VLab 2.0: 1. Launch VLab. For more information, see LSU VLAB 2.0 Overview. 2. Open the VMWare Horizon Client. Enter in the server information window. 3. Enter your login information. If you are off campus, connect to the...
Article Id: 12710

Computer Labs: LSU Overview Multimedia Classrooms: LSU Overview LSU Campus License Agreements Virtual...
Article Id: 16998

Open a Web Site in Expression Web 1. To open an existing Web site, select Open Site from File on the Expression Web toolbar. 2. Select a Web site from the Web Sites tab, or browse for a Web in the drop-down menu that appears next to " Look in ." Referenced article 2514: Microsoft Expression Web: LSU...
Article Id: 7390

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