CrystalMaker: Installation Instructions (Mac)

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To Install CrystalMaker on a Mac OS X Operating System:

1. Visit the CrystalMaker TigerWare page

2. Click the Log In to Download button. 

Log In to Download button

3. Sign in to the myLSU portal using your myLSU ID and password. 

myLSU portal

4. Select Mac from the Select a Platform options and the most recent version of CrystalMaker from the Select a Version options. 

Platform and Version options

5. Select the CrystalMaker download button

CrystalMaker download button

6. When the download is finished, open the file. 

7. Drag the CrystalMaker application to the Applications folder. 

CrystalMaker folder

8. The program is now ready for use.

Referenced from: CrystalMaker

9/11/2023 9:07:29 AM