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General Information Qualtrics is a research and survey software that allows CURRENTLY ENROLLED students, currently active faculty and staff of the LSU A&M, Law Center, and Veterinary Medicine campuses to create, distribute, and analyze robust surveys. Qualtrics products are supported in Safari, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Firefox browsers. Account...
Article Id: 17498

This article provides several answers to common Qualtrics questions and issues. Jump To: How do I collaborate with others in Qualtrics? How do I use Survey Participant Tracking, Logic, or SSO features? Can I transfer a survey to another user or create a group for my department? Can I move existing project folders to a new group in bulk? How do I enable Bot...
Article Id: 20545

Occasionally, there may be issues encountered when sending out bulk surveys through Qualtrics. It is possible to troubleshoot individual unsent or bounced emails when distributing a Qualtrics survey in bulk through the Distributions tab. To Troubleshoot Undelivered Bulk Emails in Qualtrics: Navigate to and login with your LSU ID and password. ...
Article Id: 20503

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