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Mathematica utilizes centuries of mathematical development, along with constantly updated methods discovered at Wolfram Research, into a small number of powerful functions and algorithms that are capable of reaching "almost every integral and differential equation of which a closed form can be found." Below are a few examples of various commands used to evaluate...
Article Id: 13584
Category: Basic Features & How To's

CellularAutomaton -- general cellular automaton in 1D, 2D, etc. TurningMachine -- general Tuning machine in 1D, 2D, etc. SubstitutionSystem — general string, array, etc. substitution system in 1D, 2D, etc. ShiftRegisterSequence — sequence from a linear or nonlinear...
Article Id: 13796
Category: Basic Features & How To's

The MathID is a specific code generated by Mathematica to identify your computer system with your Mathematica software. If you have already installed Mathematica onto your computer and entered your password, review the following: To Find Your Specific MathID in Mathematica: 1. To retrieve your MathID, open Mathematica and...
Article Id: 13340
Category: Basic Features & How To's

To Obtain a New Password: If you have already registered with WolframResearch and/or Mathematica and have already received a password, but for some reason need to receive a new one, it could be that your MathID number has changed. Your MathID number will change if your computer's hard drive has been significantly changed or reconfigured. In order to request a new...
Article Id: 13141
Category: Basic Features & How To's

Mathematica Training Resources "Hands-on Start to Mathematica" is a free, two-part online screencast that introduces Mathematica basics to get you started with your first calculations, visualizations, and...
Article Id: 14148
Category: Training Resources

General Information MatLab, available to all LSU A&M students, faculty, and staff, is a mathematical program that can be used for matrix...
Article Id: 16941
Category: MatLab

General Information GNU Octave is a high-level programming language primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for...
Article Id: 17156
Category: Octave (Linux)

To Install Sage on a Mac Os X Operating System: 1. Download SageMath from Tigerware. 2. Open the Sage installation file from the Downloads folder of your...
Article Id: 18193
Category: SAGE

General Information SageMath is free open-source math software that supports research and teaching in algebra, geometry, number theory,...
Article Id: 16946
Category: SAGE