ITS Web Hosting: LSU Overview

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
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General Information

LSU Information Technology Services and The Division of Strategic Communications provide websites for LSU departments, units, and faculty members. The sites are built, edited, and maintained in OU Campus. If OU Campus does not fulfill all technical needs of a particular unit, exceptions can be made.

Units, schools, departments, and individuals residing on university servers or requesting links to sites maintained outside of university servers, must abide by university guidelines. LSU websites will be monitored for compliance. Failure to comply with policies, procedures, and requirements can result in the removal of pages, removal of links, or loss of access to systems as deemed necessary.

Web Sites hosted by ITS have the following features:  (Provided by ITS)

  1. Backed up nightly.
  2. Are mirrored to a backup Web Server.
  3. 50 MB allocated per Web Client.


Eligibility & Order Procedures

Available To:      LSU Faculty, Staff, and Departments.

Authorizations:   Requests for web sites are Approved and Prioritized by the Division of Strategic Communications.  

Delivery Time:     2 Business Days to complete the web site Evaluation.    (AFTER the Evaluation, Approval, and Prioritization, you will receive a NEW Delivery Time for completed web site.)

To Request a Web Site

  1. Contact Lori Martin of the Division of Strategic Communications for Evaluation / Approval (; 225-578-2031 )
    • Requests are Evaluated and Approved / Denied  on a Case by Case Basis.
  2. Contact your College or Department Business Manager or Technology Support Professional. 
    • Ask if they provide web space for Faculty within their college or department's web site.
  3. Use a Redirect Link to point an address to your web site's actual address.
    • For Example: can point to

Web Development Tools

LSU Faculty, Staff, and Departments:

An LSU Themed Template will be provided, however we DO NOT have the staff or the resources to assist you personally in site customization.

  • LSU Hosted Recommended Tools:   

1.  Omni CMS

2.  LSU Community Moodle

  • Free Recommended Web Tools:



LSU Students and Student Organizations: 

Information Technology Services is NO LONGER providing web sites for LSU Students or LSU Student Organizations.  These are managed by The Office of the Dean of Students.  

1.  Tigerlink   (Provided by Campus Life)


3.  LSU Community Moodle   (Provided by ITS) Accounts

How to Configure SFTP for Web Development Accounts

Accounts with a suffix are treated as separate, virtual sites. The web page address (URL) will be www.user_defined_name.domain.

  • To request an Account to be Issued and Published:

1.  Request approval from the Chief Security Officer. Requests MUST be submitted to the Office of the CIO via email in care of: Sumit Jain Chief IT Security and Policy Officer. Further documentation via a written memo may, upon occasion, be required and should be sent to Office of the CIO, attention of Sumit Jain, Chief IT Security & Policy Officer, LSU Information Technology Services, 200 Frey Computing Services Center.

2. Registration by the user of the domain name with a registration company such as Network Solutions or

3. Create a new work order with type NISE - Software Engineering at  Work Order Submission.    (Click here to get help filling out this request.)

4. Contact the domain registration company to point the non domain name to the LSU Domain Name Server.

5. Contact with ITS to get an individual host name (example: www.user_defined_name.domain) registered with the DNS as an alias of

6. Contact to have the new hostname added to the Web server.

StudioWeb Has Been Retired (Decommissioned)


  1. DELETE the web site and create a new web site using another tool from above.


Support & Policy Statements

Policy Statements: LSU Overview

Service Desk Information

3/1/2024 8:43:21 AM