Maple17: Installation Instructions (Windows)
This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
Maple17: Installation Instructions (Windows)
Maple is a combination of a powerful mathematical computation program with a very user friendly and interactive, "clickable" interface. Maplesoft can also be used to create interactive applications, still with a technical and advanced base. Maplesoft is the only technical computing system that allows the user to take advantage of multithreading within other programs.
To learn about this software visit: Maple Overview article.
To Install on a Windows Single User:
1. Download from TigerWare.
2. A set of on-screen instructions should appear. Follow these instructions until you arrive at the Choose the Type of Licensing screen.

3. On the Choose the Type of Licensing screen, select Single User License and click Next.

4. When prompted, enter the purchase code and any information required.

5. Maple 17 should now be installed on your desktop.
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9/28/2023 2:41:54 PM