Parallels Desktop: Purchase & Download Instructions

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

General Information

These instructions cover how to purchase and download Parallels Desktop with an Educational Discount to be installed on an LSU Student, Faculty or Staff's personally-owned computer.  Once the software is downloaded, proceed to Parallels: Installation Instructions.

Discount Available To:  LSU Students, Faculty & Staff Personal Computers

Purchase & Download Parallels Desktop From OnTheHub

1. Go to the

2. Click the Sign In button on the upper right, or use the automatically redirected to login window. Use your myLSU ID and password to log in.

The OnTheHub Sign-in button at on top right-hand corner of the screen.

3. Select your classification: Students OR Faculty/Staff.

4. Click the Parallels tab & select Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac.

Products on the OnTheHub LSU portal homepage

5. Click "Add to Cart" and Checkout, and complete the purchasing process by following on-screen instructions.

Add Parallels product(s) to cart webpage.

List of steps to take in order purchase the product(s).

  • Messages:  Accept the Software License Agreement.
  • Billing: Fill in your Billing Address information.
  • Confirmation:  Confirm that all information is correct.
  • Receipt:  E-mail a receipt to yourself.
    • NOTEWrite down your License Authorization Key which can be found on the Receipt.

6. Click Start Downloading.

7. Download & install the Secure Download Manager (SDM) installation file.

8. Download the .SDF file to your computer.

9. Once the software is downloaded, proceed to Parallels: Installation Instructions.


Referenced from: OnTheHub

3/1/2024 10:57:59 AM