LSU Online: Online Learning Tools and Collaboration: Overview and Objectives

LSU Online: Online Learning Tools and Collaboration


LSU overview and objectives banner image.


The online learning environment provides a collection of collaboration tools to engage learners in social and informal learning opportunities. Virtual Classroom and Chat tools provide opportunities for synchronous communication. Blogs and Wikis promote collaboration and active sharing. A Journal tool provides a space for you to share and store personal reflections that can be used to communicate privately with your instructor.

In this module, you will learn about these engaging tools that promote collaboration and social learning.


By the conclusion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify and describe the collaboration tools that can be used for asynchronous communication
  • State in your own words the collaboration tools that can be used for synchronous communication

Activity Checklist

  • Review module content
10/25/2023 2:14:07 PM